In the springtime 2015 issue of Bitch magazine (a feminist publication), there is overview of the Free the Nipple picture. Like many other reviews of the movie, it questioned some implausible plot points and poor writing.
But that's not all.
She wrote that while she found it entirely irrational that women can't go topfree wherever men can,
Free the Nipple movie poster
it's unfortunate that Lina Esco's directorial debut, Free the Nipple, which tries to champion the power of grassroots activism, must focus on an issue that's of so little consequence in comparison with the violence, poverty and injustice that many face on a daily basis.
Yeah, why are we talking about nipples when there is homelessness and police violence and famished children in 3rd world countriesright?
This line of thinking is so common it's a name the Fallacy of Comparative Privation. It's the argument that since issue A is more important than problem B, we should therefore forget about B entirely and focus on A instead.
It's called a fallacy because the argument lacks validity. It's a thoughtless way of trying to shut down a conversation about a certain matter or issue.
Individuals, including feminists, try to use this argument constantly when it comes to topfree equality.
So let's talk about what is wrong with the fallacy and why topfree equality and Free the Nipple do matter.
You could employ the fallacy argument to any type of societal dilemma (feminist or other).
Anyone could claim that sexist dress codes in schools aren't as important of an issue as domestic violence against women. Or that women's representation in the media is just not as important as stopping female genital mutilation.
But herein lie the bogus assumptions that there's some objectively driven hierarchy of feminist problems. And that to bring about , we have to address particular issues in a chronological order one by one and only when one problem continues to be repaired can we move on to the following.
The reality is that lots of people care about or are invested in distinct causes simultaneously. There's no actual or set hierarchy. When folks talk about topfree equality, no one is saying that it's the most important problem facing women right now or that we have to blow off other causes to reach it. The reality is that we can all care about small and big problems at the same time.
Another problem with the hierarchy approach is that it assumes that difficulty A and problem B are mutually exclusive and not connected. But equality problems are oftentimes connected, even when they do not seem to be.
In the instance of of topfreedom, it shouldn't be hard to see the direct connection this issue has to sexual objectification, street harassment, slut-shaming, problems around public breastfeeding, and how it is part of a long history of society's effort to police women's bodies and sexuality.
Free the Nipple: same arguments, distinct decade meme
To give women the right to go topfree in people is a powerful statement.
It means deconstructing traditional patriarchal gender roles that say women must be modest and chaste. Topfree equality means challenging the idea a girl's state of dress or undress determines her approval, sexuality or even her worth as a person.
The Free the Nipple movie may have done a less than stellar job of carrying these ideas, but that isn't any reason to blow off its whole effort or message.
Anyone who believes in equality ought to know that there's value in fighting inequality on every level. There's lots of room for everyone, particularly at the gender equality table.
Even if it's the case that you don't feel drawn to the cause of topfree equality or do not care to go topless in public yourself, ever, you can still join the discussion without dismissing others' ideas, thoughts and feelings.
Free the Nipple also touches upon a variety of other issues. Anyone can put it to use as a starting point for launching their own conversations about equality.
This post about Free the Nipple and the Fallacy of Relative Privation was published by - Young Naturists & Naturists America
Tags: breastfeeding, breasts, feminism, sex, modesty, movies, sexuality, topfreedom and topfree equality, topless / topfree, girls
Class: Felicity's Nudist Blog, Feminism and Women's Issues and Human Rights, Social Activism
About the Author (Author Profile)
Writer of Nudist Blog. Co founder of Nudist Portal. 3rd-generation nudie. Avid reader. url vegan, 30% vegetarian. Once I'm not busy eating, I'm writing about naturism, censorship, topfree equality, body image and other fun topics. I like feedback, so plz leave a comment when you have got something to say!